August 9 - 11, 2024 | Harriet Island | Saint Paul, MN

Photography Contest

Generously sponsored by Celtic Journeys

Photo Contest - Hit us with your best shot

Have an eye for photography? Let us display your best shots at Irish Fair's annual photo contest! Dig through your old photos, think about a great photo at a Minnesota Irish event, or dream about all the camera shots you can take during your trip to Ireland. Our judges are professional photographers who will award prizes to the top three photographs in each category.

Irish Photo Competition Entry Guidelines

General rules

  • Open to amateur photographers
  • Subject matter should be Irish-themed and tell a story.
  • Maximum of two entries per category, one form per entry


  • People – One or more persons are dominant subjects in which the photographer portrays an aspect of Irish culture. Winning entries best evoke their subjects’ feelings or spirits.
  • Scenery – The mood of a place, or a setting in which mood is conveyed. There may be people in the photo, but they must be incidental to the picture.
  • Studies in Black and White – Photos of people and/or scenery. Winning entries best use black and white imagery to prompt a feeling or response in the viewer.
  • Pictures from last year - Photos from the previous year at the Irish Fair of MN.

Photo Formatting Rules

  • Photo size must be at least 4x6 inches, but not more than 11x14 inches
  • Entries must be matted; no frames permitted
  • Entries must be labeled on front side of photo with the location of where the photo was taken

Photo Submission Rules

  • Download the contest entry form (attached below) and submit a separate, completed form with each photo.
  • Drop off or mail pictures to: Irish on Grand c/o Irish Fair Photo Contest, 1124 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105
    • Irish on Grand assumes no liability for photos.
  • Submissions must be received by Tuesday, August 6, 2024 by 5:00pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • Judging occurs prior to Irish Fair opening. All photos will be displayed in the pavilion during the fair.
  • Photos should be reclaimed on Sunday, August 11 between 5:00-6:00pm in the pavilion.
    • If you would like your photo to be returned by mail, you must enclose a self-addressed mailing envelope with adequate postage.
    • Irish Fair assumes no liability for photos not claimed in the specified time or photos damaged during shipping.

2023 winners of Pictures from Last Year category

Young girl in Irish Dance costume standing next to Irish wolfhound dog
1st place - Submitted by Eric Husband
Several musicians on the main stage
2nd place - Submitted by Andrew Stack
Young boy in mustard yellow kilt playing the drum for the Brian Boru Irish Pipe Band
3rd place - Submitted by Julie Sherman
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